Barack Obama In Iowa - A Rainbow Of Hope

This is without a doubt the coolest photo I've ever seen associated with a campaign and in one breath shows what the Obama For America campaign's message is: hope. I know that God is with us, but I can't think of a better way to show it than this photo.

Barack Obama In Iowa - A Movement In Action

_DSC0321, originally uploaded by Barack Obama.

All of these supporters, over 1,000 strong, came together as a mass unit to see and support Senator Obama at the Harkin Steak Fry.

Women For Obama In Des Moines Iowa

BO_lined_up_w_women_in_Iowa, originally uploaded by Barack Obama.

This photo only begins to show the massive support Senator Obama enjoys by women in Iowa.

Obama Iowa Field Office Fort Dodge - Meeting

FortDodge3, originally uploaded by Barack Obama.

Another meeting of our great organization of Iowans.

Obama Iowa Field Office Fort Dodge - People

FortDodge1, originally uploaded by Barack Obama.

As you can tell by this photo, we've got a diverse group of people, joined together to support Senator Obama for President.

Obama Iowa Field Office Fort Dodge

FortDodge2, originally uploaded by Barack Obama.

This is a photo of the Fort Dodge Iowa Field Office.


Senator Barack Obama has quickly caught Senator Hillary Clinton in the presidential election fundraising race, adding $2.1 million via an email campaign in just four days. This closes a gap said to be created by Washinton lobbyists' money going to Clinton.